Blue Moon Marquee

Stemming from the Badlands of the Rocky Mountain prairies, Blue Moon Marquee is a self-styled gypsy blues band. This authentic duo writes and performs original compositions influenced by early blues, swing, and ragtime. A.W. Cardinal, a Metis of Cree heritage, howls with a distinctive thick and smoky vocal while playing a jazz tinged blues guitar. Jasmine Colette, aka Badlands Jass, is the rhythm section who not only commands the upright bass but also keeps the swing with both feet while singing harmonies. Blue Moon Marquee’s passionate performances and smouldering onstage chemistry is their trademark, and the way Colette’s honey tones lift A.W.’s beaten down “bukowski-esque” mystique is something that enthralls audiences from the back room bar to the public square.


Press Quotes:
“Blue Moon Marquee have their own completely original style. Modern blues doesn’t really get any better than this. This is a tremendous sound by a hugely talented and unique duo who have found a way to update an ages old musical genre for the new century whilst remaining true to their roots and the genres originators.” American Roots UK

“Gypsy Blues plucks the danger from a Tom Waits melody, dances it a little further over the line with dark magic, teases the rhythms & and raises a toast to back alley Jazz” The Alternate Route

“Whiskey soaked Cab Calloway” Blues Matters UK

“The spirits of Memphis Minnie, Louis Armstrong, Charlie Patton, Howlin’ Wolf, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Bukka White and many others haunt the musical offerings of Blue Moon Marquee.” – BC Musician

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